suppress|suppressed|suppresses|suppressing in English


[sup·press || sə'pres]

crush, stop by force, put down; repress, hold back, stifle; silence, prevent from being disclosed; block, arrest, check (i.e. a flow of blood, etc.)

Use "suppress|suppressed|suppresses|suppressing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "suppress|suppressed|suppresses|suppressing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "suppress|suppressed|suppresses|suppressing", or refer to the context using the word "suppress|suppressed|suppresses|suppressing" in the English Dictionary.

1. Any mechanism or pharma-cological substance that suppresses the excessive jerks and muscle hypertonia tends also to suppress Clonus

2. " rder avails nothing to the suppressing of scandalous, seditious, and libellous books, which were mainly intended to be suppressed. "

3. Allopathy, homeopathy - Allopathy is treatment to suppress the symptoms of illness using the principle of opposites, while homeopathy encourages, rather than suppresses, the body's reaction to an illness

4. The regime ruthlessly suppresses all dissent.

5. All right, three runners with suppressing fire.

6. Pharmaceutical composition for suppressing angiogenesis, and method for screening active material for suppressing angiogenesis

7. The virus suppresses the body's immune system.

8. NOByline suppresses the automatic printing of BY lines

9. Not suppress, just press.

10. The insurrection was easily suppressed.

11. Antibacterial adjective Referring to an agent or effect that suppresses or inhibits bacterial reproduction noun A general term for any agent that suppresses bacterial

12. 2 The police were accused of suppressing vital evidence.

13. He couldn't suppress his anger.

14. Rework this motion to suppress.

15. Suppressing Afflictions with Repentance and Recitation

16. Vicky suppressed a nervous giggle .

17. What does Anovulant mean? A drug that suppresses ovulation

18. This book has been suppressed.

19. 1 Are the police suppressing some evidence?

20. 3 The police were accused of suppressing evidence.

21. Casting knock on the object suppresses Arcane lock for 10 minutes

22. Sixthly, traitors must be sternly suppressed.

23. The medication effectively suppressed the pain.

24. His shoulders twitched with suppressed laughter.

25. And natural fires are perforce suppressed.